This page is introduce for our project

We are BELD - from FPTU-DaNang

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Project Name: An integration application of intelligent all-in-one cards for FE smart campuses

Our project will develop a multi-function card integration application for smart campuses of FE institutions using technologies such as Near Field Communication (NFC) and smart mobile payment applications

This will allow people to pay with a single touch, be modern and fast, improve physical objects to reduce the time spent performing tasks, reduce the cost of resources, and avoid waste of human resources.

This card contain these main function:

Take attendace

Attendance system is used to check student attendance by tapping on the reader. No wait more

Payment in canteen

The system of buying tickets at the canteen takes place in the form of payment when tapping the card into the reader. No wait more

Parking system

Students will use a multi-function card to tap into the POS machine. No wait more

Open door of dormitory

The reader can read all NFC tags with ID registered in the student list in the dormitory. No wait more


This card have many services and may be have more in the future !

Take attendace

Attendance system is used to check student attendance by tapping on the reader. Readers will be placed at the door of each classroom, students are responsible for tapping the card into the reader twice each class, before class and at the end of class to confirm attendance.

Canteen ticket purchasing system

The system of buying tickets at the canteen takes place in the form of payment when tapping the card into the reader. The reader will link to the receipt printing system. When students want to buy a meal at the canteen, just tap the card into the reader at the store they want to eat. When the payment is successful (failure), a success (failure) message will be reported to the merchant and user.

Dormitory management system

The dormitory management system to check the entrance and exit of students at the dormitory is applied to the lobby door at the dormitory. Hours of operation are from 5 am to 10 pm daily. The reader can read all NFC tags with identification (ID) registered in the student list in the dormitory.

Parking system

The parking system will have two main doors, the entrance and the exit, each door will have a POS machine and a barrier system. Students will use a multi-function card to tap into the POS machine, the personal information in the card will be transmitted to the machine and will be saved and send a notification to the open barrier system, and the camera will capture the user’s license plate number.


We try to use reasonable technology, almost is good technology we use in techworld.

About this application

We use react-native to build this application because these exceptional features

  • Fast development
  • Cost-efficient
  • Rich Talent Pool
  • Potential for 5 Flatform's Support
  • A Big Community
  • Native-like Experience

About backend server

We choose Laravel, framework of PHP language.

  • Laravel Development Means Faster Time-To-Market
  • Better Authentication and Authorization Option.
  • Stay Away from Technical Vulnerabilities with Laravel Framework.
  • MVC Architecture of Laravel Framework
  • Traffic Handling

About Card

We use NFC (Near Field Card), it's old but the best choice with us

  • Discretion and reduced emissions
  • Sure, intuitive device pairing
  • Transaction security
  • Optimization of power consumption

Some awesome picture

Like the name

  • All
  • Men
  • Dannon
  • Babangu

This's Men


Baba ngu ne


Dan dan dan


Men nua ne


CC ??


Baba ngu nua ne


Dan lang tu nhung van ngu


Men ne hihi


Dan lai ngu


Dan khi chua map


Nhin gi ??? khinh


Baba ngu ne



Not perfect but unique

(Click in the picture to see details)

Ha Thi Thuy Men

The only girl in this group

Ngo Luong Van Dan

Born in 98 but very stupid

Le Duy Hoang Thinh


Nguyen Minh Huy

The aggressive member

Nguyen Van Duc Do

Ckicken Dev


This is reference price


$0per month

  • Free
  • Not pro
  • Stupid like dan
  • Tick blue
  • VIP
Get Started


$19per month

  • V.I.P P.R.O
  • Can contact with us
  • Have 100 girlfriends
  • Have chance to get our gift: IPHONE15
  • You are smart vcl
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Frequently Asked Questions And Contribute

Thank you very much, this help us to more complete

Đề nghị thêm vạch vào thẻ để làm thước kẻ

Good ideal, we will consider.

Cho em hỏi anh Dần có người yêu chưa ạ

Nghĩ xem ổng có người yêu được không ???

Công dụng thẻ khá là ok, mong team sẽ hoàn thành sớm.

Cảm ơn bạn nha :)) bọn mình sẽ cố gắng hoàn thành thật tốt dự án

Định vị + khóa bảo mật để lỡ bị mất em còn đi tìm được :>

Bọn mình sẽ cân nhắc và thêm tính năng này ạ. Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều nha !!!

Tích điểm :)) thanh toán càng nhiều ở trường càng được tích điểm, đạt được điểm nhất định nào đó thì giảm giá 1 mặt hàng thanh toán

Oh, đóng góp của bạn rất mang tính thương mại :))) Đây cũng là một ý kiến hay, cảm ơn bạn.

Có thể thêm chức năng mới như là tap để hiển thị thông tin, cho người giám thị hay kiểm trả thẻ sinh viên. Nó sẽ giúp check được sinh viên có nhờ học giùm hay không, sẽ không tốn thời gian nhiều.

Trong tính năng mình đã có nói rõ rồi bạn :))) hiển thị thông tin là điều tất nhiên. Và việc gian lận bọn mình cũng đã nghĩ tới, và đang cố gắng suy nghĩ nha bạn. Nếu bạn có đóng góp gì thì cứ contact với bọn mình nha. Lò vé...


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Don't concerned about our attitude

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FPT Urban area, Hoa Hai, Ngu Hanh Son, Da Nang

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+(84) 69 69 69 69 999
+(84) 82 72 99 123

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